Thanks you Jo Teh, you are extraordinary.
A very good evening to all honourable guests, members of the Media and ladies and gentlemen. I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone who is present here today. Thanks for taking the time out from your busy schedules to be apart of my momentous journey.
I’m extremely Nervous today, but i hope you all could open your hearts and listen, as I would like to to share with you a very short story......my story, mydream.
How many of you had a childhood full of musical notes? To me, I regard my childhood as one of a kind. Because I woke up having breakfast, lunch and dinner filled with Italian terms: Allegro, Crescendo, Diminuendo, so on and so forth. There was only one goal for me at that time and it was to pass my examinations and move on to the next grade. And then, came the much awaited uni years which was when I took up music. While most of my friends at that time were busy earning degrees in other fields, I realised that earning a degree in music would be the wisest choice for me as I could most definitely excel in that subject. Truth be told the years spent studying and learning was not all that smooth sailing, because something came to my mind then, it was the thought of how on earth did I end up here? Then the thought shifted to I better not waste my mum’s hard earned money !
Then, it was my performing years, where I was yet to find the passion in music. At that point of time, I thought what does it take to be different than others? The answer was simple, having your own original composition. Sounds simple, but for me it posed a major problem, because I did not have an idea on how to write songs, especially since I’m from a classical background, and we’re mainly trained to play music that dates back to the 17-18th century. Then it was almost as if lightning struck and I managed to compose a tune and decided on a whim to record it. The song is titled “ I just Wanna” and is included as one of the tracks in the album =)
I must say, the first recording sounded absolutely refreshing to my ears…because from a classical background, I had no idea how a drum, bass or any other instrument should and could sound apart from the piano and violin. Because of the birth of this excitement, I then embarked on this journey 2 years ago which eventually brought me here of having the privilege of speaking and performing for all the wonderful people present.
In the last 2 years, I feel blessed to be influenced by many wonderful ppl. Not only the number of musicians which influenced me in terms of music. I then learned how to collaborate and be influenced by different people. Frm Photographers (Thank you Zung of the photoz.com for being the official photographer & videographer), Fashion designers, interior designers, artists, business ppl, PR Agencies, Advertising agencies, etc and not only that, appreciate the different talents and skills of these wonderful ppl. Because of these ppl and friends, I had one goal, being a musician/ violinist myself, my goal was to project and allow people to take notice of the Diverseness of the violin. That’s why the album is titled DiversiFy. Throughout the period of this self funded production, I did not approach any labels or companies, because I truly want this album to be produced based on the experience I had gone through the past 2 years.
Thank you to Sony Music Entertainment my distributors for the album for believing in this product. I would like to once again, say Thank You to the Sony Music team: Adrian, Aziana, Tam & Yuen See for this. God Bless and I love you..
To Eileen Ker from Singapore, let’s look forward to our invasion in the lion city…Not to forget my company, Mosaic Music Entertainment’s managers, Stephanie & Reema for being there for me every second I needed u so. Syed of Mediabond and his wonderful team: Wenny, Krista, Valerie & Nazli for being the best brother and PR Guy to me…..thank you for your advice. Winnie Loo for being responsible for the hair style on my head…haha….Edwin, my trustee sound engineer and his team, Crossroads production for devoting your time and energy in making this event sound like how its suppose to. My dear friends and family, each of you present here today WERE a part of this Album (frm the tiny note, to the beat, to the groove , the phrase and sounds) and my deepest gratitude goes out to you for being involved in this project. The love of my life, Jane for inspiring me to write one of the last track in the album, track 11, I love you. Mum, for pushing me and nurturing me and making me the man I am today. Last but not least, Lord Almighty and his blessing. Thank you for this chance to bring together all present today and the gift of music here in Starhill. Thank you YTL.
God Bless. Spread the love!
Dennis Lau
Speech by Sony Music Entertainment's Managing Director- Adrian Lim
the Launch Gambit
Prelude in F minor feat. Jimmy Sax
a Sneak Peak to the 2nd Album- "Cooking Up A Storm" feat. Beatboxer Shawn Lee, Yuri Wong & Ken Chung
"MAHKOTA" feat. Syafinaz Selamat
Dennis Lau- DiversiFy on BERNAMA News
Also, announcing the Official Launch of the website: http://www.dennislau.com.my
God Bless!
Dennis Lau